
每年, 学院的教职员工选择表彰同事对学院的研究和创造力的杰出贡献, 教学, 服务任务. Recipients of the following awards represent the best traditions of scholarship, including discovery and the advancement of new knowledge; integration of knowledge across disciplines; engagement with the broader community within the University, 汉普顿路地区, 英联邦, and the world; and transformative 教学 and learning for traditional and nontraditional students alike.

The College recognizes that each awardee's successes depend upon the inspiration, dedication and sacrifice of many others in the College. 出于这个原因, 以下奖项不仅表彰了我们选择表彰的杰出个人,也表彰了我们的学术团体.


  • Sue Doviak 研究生 教学 Award in Liberal 艺术 — Bekah Broussard, 英语系
  • 查尔斯·阿. and Elisabeth Burgess 教师 研究 and Creativity Award — Katherine Hammond, 传播与戏剧艺术系
  • 罗伯特·L. Stern Excellence in 教学 Award — Tracy Sohoni, 社会与刑事司法学系
  • 杰出兼职教学奖 — Michael Weber, 英语系
  • 乔尔·S. Lewis 教师 Award for Excellence in Student Mentoring — Brandi Woodell, 社会与刑事司法学系
  • Contributions to Interdisciplinarity Award — Annette Finley-Croswhite, Department of 历史
  • 年度最佳职员奖 — Tammy Allen, 英语系
  • Outstanding 服务 to College Award — Anne Muraoka, Director, Institute for the Humanities

Recipients of 2024 University 教师 and Administrator 奖

  • 杰出学者奖 — Jennifer Fish, Department of 女性's and Gender Studies
  • 大学杰出教师s — Cathleen Rhodes, Department of 女性's and Gender Studies; Jennifer Sloggie, 英语系
  • Doctoral Mentoring Award Winners — Vanessa Panfil, Department Sociology and Criminal Justice
  • 优秀研究生助教, 课堂奖:Susana Avalos, 社会与刑事司法学系


The Office of the University Registrar releases student's GPA every semester. 查看最新的艺术 & 院长名单 在这里.

自1996年以来,老自治领已经认可了表现出卓越教学质量的研究生助教. 每年, 学校选出两名优秀的研究生助教,一名负责实验教学,一名负责课堂教学. The outstanding graduate 教学 assistants who are selected are awarded $1,000 and they are recognized at the spring 教师 recognition dinner. The College may nominate one student in each category. All of the college nominees receive recognition certificates. 研究生院和/或负责研究和研究生学习的副院长将在春季学期发出提名通知.

每年, 一名杰出的终身教职员工将获得教务处的认可,以表彰其在研究生教学方面的卓越表现. 每个学院可以提名两名教员. 该奖项的获得者将获得2美元,500,并在年度教师表彰和颁奖典礼上与其他全校范围的奖项一起获得认可. Also the recipient's name will be prominently displayed on a plaque in a centralized location.

伯吉斯奖是对一致性的认可, 多年来在学术或艺术方面取得的高质量成就(而不是一件作品). 由相关领域公认的专家表明,获奖者将具有明显的国内或国际声誉. The selection committee will give special consideration to work that results in creative thinking on the nature of assumptions in a given discipline; that represents creative interdisciplinary study; or that creates new forms of visual or performing art. 委员会还将特别考虑那些在大学工作了很长一段时间的教师. 任何人不得多次获奖. 研究生院和/或负责研究和研究生学习的副院长将在春季学期发出提名通知. Past Recipients >>

Students and 教师 are cordially invited to nominate outstanding full-time 艺术 & 文学院 罗伯特·L. 斯特恩卓越教学奖.

被提名人应在3月21日前将以下材料以单一pdf文件的形式提交给副院长, 2022年将被提名:

  1. 提名信 来自现在或以前的学生, 现任教员, 或者系主席, (with a copy of the letter sent to the Associate Dean's Office by Monday, 2月28日, 2022.)
  2. 一封支持信 from the nominee's department chair (unless the chair has written the nominating letter). 如果被提名者是系主任, the letter of support should be from a colleague holding the rank of Associate or Full Professor.
  3. 第二封支持信, preferably from a former student or former or current colleague. T在这里 should be no more than 3 letters of support, including the nomination letter.
  4. 个人陈述, 包括被提名人的教学成就, 目标, 比如哲学, 课堂创新, 特殊项目, 非凡的学生研究, 网页, 使用教学技术, 等.)不要超过三(3)页双倍行距.
  5. 简历.
  6. 学生对教师的评价 (定量和定性), for all courses taught for the previous three (3) academic years of full-time 教学
  7. 课程材料, 包括教学大纲和讲义,描述课程项目或作业,如果这些描述没有包括在教学大纲中, 考试, 以及前三(3)个学年全日制教学的所有课程的成绩分布.
  8. 教学日志 列出过去三(3)个学年全日制教学的所有课程和每个学年的入学人数.

It is the nominee's responsibility to submit the requested materials by the deadline. 被提名人 should not submit materials not requested. Past Recipients >>

Students and 教师 are cordially invited to nominate outstanding 艺术 & 信 教师 and 教师 administrators for the 乔尔年代. Lewis 教师 Award for Excellence in Student Mentoring.

The Lewis Award is given annually to a full-time 教员 in the 文学院 & 信 who most successfully mentors students as they plan for life after college. The mentoring may include preparing students for future graduate or professional school study, 或者在相关的职业中工作.

被提名人应在3月21日前将以下材料以单一pdf文件的形式提交给副院长, 2022年将被提名:

  1. 提名信 来自一个学生, 教员, 或者系主席 (with a copy sent to the Associate Dean's 办公室 by Monday, 2月28日, 2022)

  2. 一封支持信 由被提名人所在系的系主任或主任提供(除非系主任已经写了提名信). 如果被提名者是系主任, the letter of support should be from a colleague at either the Associate or Full Professor rank. (主席可以是他或她所在部门的资深成员,这样可以避免混淆,并清楚地表明这封信应该来自该部门的终身或终身职位成员。)

  3. 最多两(2)额外的支持信 来自现在或过去的学生. T在这里 should be no more than 4 letters of support, including the nomination letter.

  4. 一个自我评估 summarizing the nominee's mentoring activities over the past three (3) years, 以及指导的影响. 被提名人, 如果可能的话, 是否应该讨论与其他学校的联系, agencies and organizations and how students have benefited from these contacts.

It is the nominee's responsibility to submit the requested materials by the deadline. 被提名人 should not submit materials not requested. Past Recipients>>

艺术与文学学院邀请“跨学科杰出贡献奖”的提名. Past Recipient>>

这个奖项的目的是表彰那些对跨学科教学做出持续贡献的人, 课程开发, 项目和/或活动. The individual must be a full-time 教员 in the 文学院 and 信.

教师, chairs or directors may nominate a candidate. 提名信应概述此人如何在一段持续的时间内对上述领域的跨学科做出贡献. 这封信应该包括, 不仅仅是候选人的努力, 但是他/她对学生的影响, programs or the college or the university as a whole.

In addition to the nomination letter, please include the vita of the individual.

Please submit your nomination letters by April 18, 2017 to Deborah Giles, Dean's Office, BAL 9042.

Students and 教师 are invited to nominate outstanding 艺术 & 信件兼职教员为 杰出兼职教学奖.

被提名人将在3月21日前将以下材料以单一pdf文件的形式提交给副院长, 2022年将被提名:

  1. 提名信 来自现在或以前的学生, 教职员或系主任(并在周一之前将信函副本发送给副院长办公室), 2月28日, 2022)
  2. 一封支持信 由被提名人所在系的系主任或主任提供(除非系主任已经写了提名信)
  3. 另外还有一封支持信. T在这里 should be no more than three letters of support, including the nomination letter.
  4. 简历.
  5. 教学日志 listing all the courses taught during the six most recent full semesters of 教学 at ODU.
  6. 教学评估 from all courses taught in the previous three years.
  7. 教学大纲 对于所有在教学大纲中没有完全解释的课程和课堂讲义.
  8. 个人陈述 outlining 教学 accomplishments, 目标, and philosophy.

It is the nominee's responsibility to submit the requested materials by the deadline. 被提名人 should not submit materials not requested. Past Recipients>>

“年度最佳员工奖”是对为学生提供卓越服务的员工的褒奖, 教师, 及/或文学院职员 & 信. This exceptional service might have improved customer service, 避免投诉, 省了钱, or created better ways to accomplish difficult tasks. The improvement or outstanding results must be documented. 具体的例子很有帮助. Past Recipients>>

The Dean's Award highlights outstanding service to the 文学院 and 信. 受奖人协助执行学院的使命,而不考虑认可或奖励. They also embody the principles of collegiality and civility. 这个奖项可以用来表彰杰出的成就,也可以用来表彰那些为学院做出不懈贡献的人. Past Recipients>>

设立“杰出学者”称号是为了表彰对大学有不同寻常的贡献和服务的教员. 只有在最靠谱的网赌软件(最靠谱的网赌软件)担任全职教授至少三年的教员才有资格获得这一荣誉. 杰出学者委员会向教务长和负责学术事务的副校长提交建议, 谁做最后的指定.

学校设立了“杰出教师”称号,以表彰大学在本科阶段的杰出教师. 只有全职非终身教职员工和非终身教职员工才会被考虑获得这项荣誉.